Artificial Intelligence and the labor market
Thinking about indicators to measure the impact of Artificial Intelligence on the world of work involves learning about what workers do
Thinking about indicators to measure the impact of Artificial Intelligence on the world of work involves learning about what workers do
Managers of cultural facilities, take part in the survey and help map the presence and adoption of information and communication technologies in the sector (Only in portuguese)
Launched by, the publication offers readers a detailed analysis of the topic, as well as articles by national and international authors
The new edition of ICT Providers is in the data collection phase; when you are contacted by one of the researchers, answer the questionnaire and help the market get to know itself better (Only in portuguese)
Despite the progress, the quality of access continues to be a challenge in the country: only 22% of the population has meaningful connectivity (Only in portuguese)
More than half of Brazilian Internet users aged 9 to 17 access messaging, video and photo sharing platforms “several times a day” or “every day or almost every day” (Only in portuguese)
In 2012, was established as a Regional Center for Studies on the Development of the Information Society, acting under the auspices of UNESCO, with the aim of cooperating with Latin American and Lusophone countries in Africa to build inclusive knowledge societies.'s multistakeholder model gathers several sectors by joining society and government to
establish strategic directives related to the use and development of the Internet in Brazil. The
work of and ranges from technical aspects, recommendations for safety procedures and
research production, the maintenance of the level of technical quality and innovation to
underpinning the implementation of policies regarding Internet use in Brazil.
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