ICT Public Access Centers
Survey objectives
Present a mapping of information on the provision of Internet access by public access centers in Brazil supported by the federal government, particularly telecenters. The survey seeks to characterize various dimensions of telecenters, such as available infrastructure, services offered and institutional arrangements for their operation.
Areas of investigation
In 2013, the first edition of the survey included four stages with different methodological approaches and units of analysis, including quantitative and qualitative studies, as well as interviews with telecenter managers and users. The second edition of the study, conducted in 2019, was composed of two stages: one with a focus on updating the registry; and the other to generate information on the provision of Internet access by public access centers supported by the federal government in Brazil for the purpose of digital inclusion, particularly telecenters. The investigation seeks to determine the main characteristics of telecenters that receive support from the federal government and identify the needs, difficulties and potential for modernization and investment in this type of facility to promote digital inclusion.
Institutional support
The survey receives institutional support from the Department of Digital Inclusion of the Ministry of Science, Technology, Innovation and Communication (MCTIC).
In 2019, the process for conducting the survey entailed collecting information through a census of all telecenters supported by the federal government. From an initial list provided by the Ministry of Science, Technology, Innovation and Communication (MCTIC), procedures were carried out to identify and update the data from telecenters. In the second stage, interviews were conducted, and information was collected on the main characteristics of the public access centers investigated and their operational situation.