ICT in Culture
Survey objectives
The objective of the ICT in Culture survey is to understand the presence and adoption of information and communication technologies (ICT) in Brazilian cultural facilities, in both their internal operational routine and relationships with their audiences.
Areas of investigation
ICT in Culture collects indicators on ICT access, use and appropriation, such as:
- Profile of cultural facilities;
- ICT infrastructure;
- ICT use;
- Collections and digitization;
- ICT skills.
Institutional support
The survey receives institutional support from the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (Unesco) and experts linked to non-governmental organizations and universities.
International references
The investigation uses the methodological framework for producing cultural indicators established by the Unesco Framework for Cultural Statistics.
The survey is national in scope and examines public and private cultural facilities listed in official registries provided by government organizations:
- Archives (National Registry of Custodians of Archival Collections of the National Archives Council - Conarq);
- Heritage sites (at the federal level, open for visits and classified as buildings by the National Institute of Historic and Artistic Heritage - Iphan);
- Libraries (registered under the National Public Library System - SNBP);
- Cinemas (exhibition complexes registered with the Brazilian Film Agency - Ancine);
- Museums (National Registry of Museums of the Brazilian Institute of Museums Ibram);
- Culture points (National Registry of Culture Points);
- Theaters (list provided by the National Arts Foundation - Funarte).
The survey uses simple stratified sampling and in some strata a census of cultural facilities is carried out.