ICT in Education
Survey objectives
Conducted since 2010, the survey interviews the school community (students, teachers, directors of studies and principals) to map access to, and use and appropriation of, information and communication technologies (ICT) in public and private schools.
Areas of investigation
The indicators developed by the ICT in Education survey encompass the following units of analysis: schools, students, teachers, directors of studies and principals. For each target population that participates in the survey, information regarding ICT access and use are investigated, such as:
In schools:
- ICT infrastructure in schools;
- Use of technologies in school management activities;
- Existence of training projects for educators and the school community on the use of technologies;
- Insertion of ICT in the curriculum.
For students:
- Profile of use of devices and networks;
- Skills in the use of these technologies;
- Development of competencies through the use of technologies;
- Use of technologies in learning activities;
- Guidance for critical, safe and responsible ICT use.
For teachers, directors of studies and principals:
- Professional profile;
- Profile of use of devices and networks;
- Skills and specific training for ICT use;
- ICT use in educational and coordination activities;
- Perceptions in relation to opportunities for, and challenges to the use of, these technologies in the school environment.
Institutional support
The survey receives institutional support from the Brazilian Ministry of Education (MEC), National Institute for Educational Studies and Research “Anísio Teixeira” (Inep), United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (Unesco), National Council of Secretaries of Education (Consed), National Union of Municipal Education Leaders (Undime) and experts linked to nongovernmental organizations and important academic centers.
International references
The survey was initially designed based on the methodological framework proposed in the InfoDev reports of the World Bank, and on the 2006 SITES (Second Information Technology in Education Study) of the International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement (IEA). The survey is currently aligned with the manuals produced by the Unesco Institute for Statistics (UIS/Unesco).
The survey is national in scope and examines public schools (municipal and state) and private schools (since 2011). The registry compiled annually by the School Census carried out by Inep is used for the sample selection. In rural areas (since 2017), public and private schools also registered in the School Census are selected.
Interviews are conducted in person (Computer-assisted personal interviewing - CAPI) for some target populations and by telephone (Computer-assisted telephone interviewing - CATI) for other respondents.