ICT Providers
Survey objectives
Cetic.br has conducted the ICT Providers survey since 2011, to map the Internet provider sector in Brazil. The survey characterizes Internet service providers in terms of services offered, operation in the market and adoption of technologies.
Areas of investigation
The indicators presented by the ICT Providers survey address various dimensions, such as:
- Characteristics of the enterprises and services offered;
- Market operation;
- IP management and address;
- Internet access services;
- Internet exchange points;
- Activating IPv6;
- Security.
Institutional support
The ICT Providers survey receives support from the main Internet provider associations in the country: the Brazilian Internet Association (Abranet), Brazilian Association of Internet Providers and Multimedia Data Communication Operators (Abramulti), Brazilian Association of Small Internet and Telecommunication Providers (Abrappit), Brazilian Association of Internet and Telecommunication Providers (Abrint), National Association for Digital Inclusion (Anid), Global Info, Internet Sul and Rede TeleSul, in addition to Telebras. The survey also receives support from government bodies such as the Ministry of Science, Technology, Innovation and Communication (MCTIC), Brazilian Development Bank (BNDES), National Telecommunications Agency (Anatel) and National Education and Research Network (RNP).
The survey carries out a census based on registers provided by various national Internet access provider associations and other official sources, such as the Annual Social Information Report (RAIS), the registry of enterprises requesting Internet Protocol (IP) blocks, and the Information Collection System database (SICI) of Anatel.