ICT Nonprofit Organizations
Survey objectives
Conducted since 2012, the objective of the ICT Nonprofit Organizations is to investigate access to, and use and appropriation of, information and communication technologies by organizations such as NGOs, associations, foundations and religious organizations in Brazil. The survey seeks to understand the impact of ICT on their work and in the relationship between these organizations and their target communities.
Areas of investigation
The data presented in the survey addresses topics such as:
- ICT infrastructure in organizations;
- ICT use;
- ICT capability and skills;
- Profile of the organizations.
Institutional support
The survey receives support from a group of experts formed by members of the Brazilian Association of Non-Governmental Organizations (ABONG), Group of Institutes, Foundations and Enterprises (GIFE), Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE), Institute for Applied Economic Research (Ipea) and researchers from various universities.
International references
To enable international comparability of its results, the ICT Nonprofit Organizations survey bases its conceptual framework on the Handbook on non-profit institutions in the system of national accounts, created by the United Nations Statistics Division together with Johns Hopkins University and published in 2002.
The sample of organizations is obtained through simple stratified sampling, where the strata are formed to meet the needs for quality presentation of survey results. Brazilian organizations listed in the Central Register of Enterprises of the IBGE (Cempre), in accordance with the definition of the target population of the survey, are considered for the sample selection.